Re: AXAPI Role mappings for DPub and Graphics AAMs

Hey Chris.

>> 1. doc-abstract
>>    AXRole: AXGroup
>>    AXSubrole: TBD
> AXDocumentAbstract
>>    AXRoleDescription: 'abstract'
>> 2. doc-acknowledgments
>>    AXRole: AXGroup
>>    AXSubrole: TBD
> AXDocumentAcknowledgements
>>    AXRoleDescription: 'acknowledgments'
>> 3. doc-afterword
>>    AXRole: AXGroup
>>    AXSubrole: TBD
> AXDocumentAfterword
> and so on...

Got it. That's easy. We'll make those changes. Looking over the
AXRoleDescriptions that are currently there, most struck me as
reasonable. The exception is:

>> 39. doc-toc
>>    AXRole: AXGroup
>>    AXSubrole: AXLandmarkNavigation
>>    AXRoleDescription: 'doc toc'

You'll want 'table of contents' instead, right?

Thanks again!

Received on Friday, 1 July 2016 18:09:30 UTC