Re: Tau-Chain & Agoras: Using Human-Machine-Human Communication to enable Discussion Scaling

re: facilitate crowd sourcing of bias free algorithms

To avoid (unintended) bias it is suggested that AI systems should employ an
open source development approach

AI and machine learning bias has dangerous implications

The Algorithms Open Source resource for learning Data Structures &
Algorithms and their implementation in any Programming Language

Making Better Use of the Crowd: How Crowdsourcing Can
Advance Machine Learning Research

Crowdsourcing General Computation

Crowdsourced Algorithms in Data Management

Crowdsourced Data Management: Industry and Academic Perspectives

hope these links are helpful


It was a pleasure to clarify

On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 5:06 AM Kilian Kunst <> wrote:

> I've forwarded your question to our founder but he didn't understand it.
> Could you please elaborate on it? Thank you, Carl!
> Best,
> Kilian
> [image: created with]
> <>
> Kilian Kunst
> Community Manager | Intelligent Decentralized Networks Initiatives LTD
> site: <>
> email:
> [image: created with] <>
> On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 5:58 PM carl mattocks <>
> wrote:
>> I would be interested  in understanding how the systems might
>> facilitate crowd sourcing of bias free algorithms
>> cheers
>> Carl
>> It was a pleasure to clarify
>> On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 5:23 AM Kilian Kunst <> wrote:
>>> Dear W3C AI KR Community,
>>> I recently joined the group as the community manager of IDNI
>>> <> (Intelligent Decentralized Networks
>>> Initiatives), hoping to be able to obtain feedback to the solution that we
>>> propose to combat the obstacles humanity currently is facing in large-scale
>>> discussions.
>>> Just this past week, we released our whitepaper community draft
>>> containing a thorough outline of our vision and ideas. You can find said
>>> whitepaper draft here:
>>> The abstract of the whitepaper reads as follows:
>>> *We describe the systems Tau-Chain and Agoras, the former being a
>>> peer-to-peer network which is fully and effectively defined by its users,
>>> and the latter being an economy built on those capabilities, facilitating
>>> economics of knowledge among other supporting aspects. Tau is a
>>> next-generation intelligent social network and discussion platform based on
>>> a newly proposed paradigm, termed here Human-Machine-Human Communication,
>>> offering a logic-based set of solutions to problems related to large-scale
>>> discussions, decision making, software development, artificial
>>> intelligence, philosophy of law, and more. *
>>> Paola proposed to have a Q&A session with the founder of our project,
>>> Ohad Asor, once those interested have been able to go through the
>>> whitepaper. We'd be very happy for the exchange of thoughts and knowledge
>>> and greatly appreciate any feedback and hope to find further avenues of
>>> collaboration.
>>> Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kilian
>>> [image: created with]
>>> <>
>>> Kilian Kunst
>>> Community Manager | Intelligent Decentralized Networks Initiatives LTD
>>> site: <>
>>> email:
>>> [image: created with] <>

Received on Tuesday, 8 September 2020 15:15:19 UTC