Re: proposal .. register of systems involving some uses of algorithmic AI and ML

Paola and Carl,
I am trying to find the emails detailing the mentioned proposal for a Register of AI Systems in this mail list. I may have missed it in the period i was offline and absent from the AIKR CG.
Can you send me the info?
I have been playing with an idea for a global Register for IT Governance and Data Protection for all companies worldwide that use online data collection through their online services, platforms and applications downloaded onto digital devices or running in smart digital environments (Smart building automation, the Internet of Things, smart vehicles etc.).
I was prompted to play with this idea by the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union, the 2013 movie Terms and Condition May Apply by Cullen Hoback (, and the now very invasive use of AI algorithms to tweak user profiles.
Such a register would provide industry, regulators, consumers and academia with information on how companies comply with data protection regulations, how they use AI, algorithms and IT in general in terms of corporate and social governance.
The register would be controlled by an Open Access International Consortium of international regulatory bodies, internet organizations, industry and academic research stakeholder organizations, and of course international governance organizations for digital rights and privacy.

RAIS could be embedded into this system.

Milton Ponson
GSM: +297 747 8280
PO Box 1154, Oranjestad
Aruba, Dutch Caribbean
Project Paradigm: Bringing the ICT tools for sustainable development to all stakeholders worldwide through collaborative research on applied mathematics, advanced modeling, software and standards development 

    On Thursday, October 29, 2020, 9:48:55 AM ADT, carl mattocks <> wrote:  
 The core of our proposal for the Register of AI Systems (RAIS) would leverage the insights gained using StratML for AI KR. 
Simply put, core elements of RAIS include those used to explain Strategy, value chain, objectives, goals, KR utilization and  KPIs that measure output / outcome.
It was a pleasure toclarify

On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 9:04 PM Paola Di Maio <> wrote:

Thank you CarlYesterday a report was published on this theme

Both Governance and explainability are open issuesIf you couLD put together a concrete proposal, we can send it out as a WG
But we need to discuss it, I am not sure a registry would cover all the instancesand it would be an administrative overhead.
Shall we open a draft and discuss some possibilities?PDM 

On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 1:38 AM carl mattocks <> wrote:

  Executive summaryMind the gap: How to fill the equality and AI accountability gap in an automated world Institute for the Future of WorkGovernance and regulationWe need a new approach to governanceand regulation of data-driven,machine-based decision making.This approach must be principle-drivenand human-centred, work acrossthe entire innovation cycle, shift ouremphasis to preventative action, andalign our legal regimes and regulators. ...

 .. the Institute for the Futureof Work established a cross-disciplinaryEquality Task Force (ETF) to examine howalgorithms and artificial intelligence impactequality and fairness at work  

 ..  encourage systematic mapping ofdeployment and register of systems involvingsome uses of algorithmic AI and ML systems toinform the public and policy-making debates,   ...

Carl Mattocksco-chair AIKRCG

It was a pleasure toclarify


Received on Saturday, 31 October 2020 07:07:13 UTC