AI KR Strategist core plan

Please peruse our work-in-progress AI KR Strategist core plan. Your
comments will be used to build out a version that has measurable  KPIs
for all Objectives .

Currently it contains Goals & Objectives and a set of KPIs focused on
algorithmic learning within context  :

   - For all AI systems to have clearly and transparently documented goals
   and performance data showing that they are being achieved.
   - The mission of an AI Strategist is to define the purpose and goals of
   AI systems, as well as the KPIs by which we can determine if the system is
   meeting its goals.

Here is a StratML compliant report .. a custom WORD report is attached


Carl Mattocks
 co-chair AIKR CG
It was a pleasure to clarify

Received on Wednesday, 22 July 2020 14:24:27 UTC