Re: APA Adapt Task Force Teleconference - Monday 23 Jan 2023 Agenda


Please find the minutes for today - covering a summary of some recent really interesting meetings we have had with other groups - at and below in plain text for convenience.

Best regards,


                             – DRAFT –
                  WAI Adapt Task Force Teleconference

23 January 2023

   [2]IRC log.



          janina, Lionel_Wolberger, matatk, Sharon



          janina, matatk


    1. [3]Calendar Planning
    2. [4]Welcomes & Intros (if we have guests)
    3. [5]Update on recent meetings
         1. [6]Global Symbols meeting

Meeting minutes

  Calendar Planning

   lionel: Off 30th, Feb 13, and 20

   lionel: Unsure of Feb 6

   Sharon: Not off the 20th

   Lionel: Nor I

   Lionel: I am off the 20th

   lionel: Will try to be here the 6th

  Welcomes & Intros (if we have guests)

   janina: Reports on attendance at Chn Accessibility CG last
   week, they're joining us on the 30th

  Update on recent meetings

   janina: I attended a recent Accessibility for Children CG
   meeting. They've been working with Sliver (AGWG TF). They've
   looked at the first Adapt CR request and saw intersections in
   our work.
   … I've chatted with Suzanne and we found that we have a lot in
   common, and may decide on our next attributes based on some
   user scenarios they may be presenting to us next week.
   … Distractions seem important. Anything that helps you take
   complexity and narrow it down, and sequentially work through
   … Being able to focus on specific parts of the puzzle is very
   … Interesting congruence with the COGA needs.
   … It's like learning piano: taking each piece at a time, and
   practicing it, and gradually assembling them.

   Lionel_Wolberger: chunking, and sequential seem like important

   janina: Wondering if we want to rename some of our terms, e.g.
   distraction is only a distraction if it's _not_ what you want
   right now. Maybe we should look more at how to organize things
   in specific ways.
   … They have over 100 attributes in their example.
   … There was a presentation about a study that had been done
   under NSF funding, by Bob Dolan (sp?).

   janina: They have been working on ontologies and taxonomies to
   describe relationships between various learning elements.
   … This would support different renderings for different
   … This goes beyond the established Dublin Core ontology.
   … ( [7] ).


   matatk: Note Janina attended the meeting advertised (but not
   minuted) here: [8]



   janina: They were also interested in incentivizing people to
   learn, and there was a key focus on sustaining engagement.
   … They learnt it's very important to facilitate the students'
   agency in the process, which aligns with our work.

   janina: The term they were using for coping with the level of
   information, as described above, was "density control".
   … They are looking to support kids to be better decision
   makers. So a big part of it is teaching people how to make good

   janina: From our COGA background, I think we have good
   concepts, but feel we should revisit the naming of them.

   janina: There's research that altering line spacing, type, etc.
   affects comprehension, but there was concern that other events
   (having breakfast, or arguments) might have more of an impact.
   The literature focuses on what is easy to measure.

   Note that members of the CG will be joining us next week, per



   Sharon: Have they looked at our docs?

   janina: Yes, they've read our explainer.

   janina: We are all interested in "kerb cut"
   technologies/approaches, that help everyone, and people with
   specific access needs particularly (e.g. captions).

   Lionel_Wolberger: That's an example of reinforcement of the

   Lionel_Wolberger: Symbols could be one of these.

   janina: Yes, and I have an email to forward to the list on that

    Global Symbols meeting

   Lionel_Wolberger: We had a great meeting with E.A. Draffan and
   David Banes of Global Symbols.
   … A lot of support for the sort of work we're doing. They also
   referred us to other tools such as [AAC] board builders, and a
   Bliss symbol design tool.
   … We talked about the idea of having a board builder that could
   map between symbol sets (like Bliss and ARASAAC).
   … They had some concerns, e.g. some symbols are two characters
   in Bliss, but one in other sets. Also Bliss is a generative
   … E.g. cartwheel is two symbols in Bliss but one in ARASAAC.
   … We will need to consider these, but don't expect them to be
   … We talked about symbols being mostly used on devices.
   … We wonder if these devices _might_ be based more on web tech
   these days.

   janina: I think we should adapt the board builder case into our
   … AAC symbols have been successfully used for a long time, but
   for communication as opposed to content (e.g. textbooks). We
   haven't found them in web content.

   Lionel_Wolberger: They told us that symbols have one known use
   besides communication, which is to promote literacy.

   janina: This ties into the email I referred to above.

   janina: Literacy can be a challenge for some d/Deaf people, as
   it can be much harder to learn English.

   Lionel_Wolberger: What should our next steps be?

   janina: We have been meeting with Bliss in order to get the
   Registry published. Matthew and I are to take over ongoing
   management of the registry spec. We had one scheduled that was
   forgotten in the first week back, but we're going to have a
   … In that meeting, or the one after, we should invite E.A. and

   janina: We need to facilittate the "how to handle cartwheel"
   sort of discussion.

   Lionel_Wolberger: We would also like their support with

   janina: They should be able to help with mark-up.

   Lionel_Wolberger: Headlines about _partnerships_ bewteen
   different organizations will be more impressive, as will the

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    [10]scribe.perl version 197 (Tue Nov 8 15:42:48 2022 UTC).


Matthew Tylee Atkinson (he/him) 
Principal Accessibility Engineer 
TPG Interactive 
A Vispero Company 
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Received on Monday, 23 January 2023 16:17:37 UTC