Invitation to Meeting on WAI-ADAPT

Dear Accessibility for Children Community Group,

I will be joining a meeting of APA's WAI-Adapt Task Force at 10:00 AM Boston Time on Monday January 23 or 30 to continue the discussion of how web technology under development in the APA's WAI-Adapt Task Force could benefit web content accessibility for children.

The Symbols Module is now in CR and if we can contribute use cases, WAI-Adapt may be able to provide tagging that would accommodate those use cases.

If you would like to join as well, could you please email me and let me know your preference between the 23rd and the 30th?

(We will also continue discussions on WAI-Adapt in our Community Group’s meetings. And, at our next meeting, Bob Dolan will introduce us to his Pedagogic Intent Ontology to help inform our feedback on WAI-Adapt. Members of WAI-Adapt will be invited to join this call to get this background as well.)

Thanks much,


Received on Monday, 9 January 2023 16:31:19 UTC