- From: Janina Sajka <janina@rednote.net>
- Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2023 11:13:05 -0400
- To: Jason White <jason@jasonjgw.net>, Scott Hollier <scott@hollier.info>
- Cc: Adapt tf <public-adapt@w3.org>
Dear Jason: The Adapt minutes below will provide some context. Unfortunately, we did not link the UDL metadata spec in those minutes, so my google search is giving me: http://udlguidelines.cast.org/ Note that these "guidelines" were developed by CAST, an organization long engaged in accessibility, and Michael Cooper's former employer! Lionel Wolberger writes: > Minutes of the meeting were not saved by Zakim, here they are below: > > Bob Dolan, co-principal investigator of CLIPPS - Customized Learning > Interface Production from Pedagogic Semantics -- presented to Adapt and > answered questions. > > Userful links: > https://bob-dlc.github.io/clipps/ > https://bob-dlc.github.io/clipps/ontology/index.html > > Meeting Minutes below (Lionel, Scribe, adding notes sent by Janina and Matt) > > Why photosynthesis? > Teachers at the time identified it as a particularly challenging subject > for this age group > > Context was very important > Am I getting introduced to a new topic? > Am I studying for a test? > 2D spatial content needs to be linearised > could give students a choice of what to look at, but with varying degrees > of scaffolding > > considered screen size as a factor > Is the student on their phone, on a bus? > Is the student at a computer? > > Apologies for the state of the documents, assets > Some have gone missing over the years > > Project focus > On the technology > Not on efficacy (no surveys proving that it is demonstrably better for > kids, to learn) > selection, sequencing, and rendering > not individual, but context > > > The personas > picked 3 fictive students Brian, Alita, Sasha > Used UDL to generate these personas > > Learning styles was mentioned > This was debunked > But the idea of difference should be preserved > > UDL > a bit fuzzy > it is a set of design principles > might be useful for COGA and RQ > Bob able to see either side of the debate and willing to return on that > topic > > Matt: Order seems really important to me > How do you order pedagogical content? > students who have a preference for "tie this into what I already know" > "give me something engaging" as opposed to "just show me the formula" > (looking at the world as a chemist). affective considerations as to best > sequence to get students motivated > > > Ontology has 'edges' > DescribedBy, Provides visual representation of > > > Discussing simplification > They have to provide all materials to all students. There is an exception > for students with the most profound cognitive disabilities, they can have > alternate achievement standards. > Complex subject-based, political, even legal, implications > > Text-only > We don't want to over-cater to students. If a student only reads the text, > we could characterise them and build a profile that gives them only the > text (think of all the bandwidth we could save). > BUT... the art of good teaching is knowing when to challenge the student: > suggesting they learn to interpret the images, because they find them > overwhelming, but it would help them to understand the diagrams. > Then they'll cope with them, rather than always shying from them. > > > Beware not to overcategorize > [image: Lionel Wolberger] > <https://userway.org/?utm_source=email-signature&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Lionel_Wolberger> > > Lionel Wolberger > COO, UserWay Inc. > [image: UserWay.org] > <https://userway.org/?utm_source=email-signature&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Lionel_Wolberger> > [image: Phone Icon] +1 (415) 800-4557 <+14158004557> > [image: Envelope Icon] > lionel@userway.org <lionel@userway.org> > [image: Schedule with Me] > <https://userway.org/s/lionel?utm_source=email-signature&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Lionel_Wolberger> > Important Reads: Accessibility and SEO Impact > <https://userway.org/blog/the-impact-of-accessibility-on-seo/?utm_source=email-signature&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Lionel_Wolberger> > & Accessibility Tax Credits > <https://userway.org/blog/ada-tax-credit/?utm_source=email-signature&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Lionel_Wolberger> > [image: Must-Attend Webinar on Rising Importance of Accessibility With > Forrester Analyst] > <https://userway.org/webinar-partner-2023/?utm_source=email-signature&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Lionel_Wolberger> -- Janina Sajka (she/her/hers) Accessibility Consultant https://linkedin.com/in/jsajka The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures http://www.w3.org/wai/apa Linux Foundation Fellow https://www.linuxfoundation.org/board-of-directors-2/
Received on Monday, 24 April 2023 15:13:11 UTC