Re: Conduct on the HTTP mailing list

It was established that the responsibility lies with the community and the
chairperson, not with the members.

2023年12月11日(月) 12:34 Tommy Pauly <>:

> Hello,
> I’m writing to inform you that myself and Mark, as working group chairs
> for HTTPBIS (and thus moderators of the, will be
> placing a temporary suspension on your sending of messages to the mailing
> list due to the tone of recent exchanges. While we welcome all technical
> participation, it is of foremost importance that this group is a
> collaborative, respectful, and supportive venue in which the community can
> work.
> Please do read the feedback and requests that Mark had previously with
> consideration: these are not merely opinions, but requests from the
> moderators of the list and group.
> On a more personal level, I am happy to discuss with you via email about
> how to constructively participate. What you see as the logical direction
> isn’t enough to motivate a group of people to work with you, without having
> mutual respect for the others in the group. Despite this being a technical
> venue, kindness and respect are core tenets of how we work. Take time to
> consider the feedback and questions you’re receiving — beyond just numbers
> of how efficient and algorithm can be, you’ll see that the group must
> consider many other factors, such as the impact on deployments and other
> practicalities that determine the best course of action for standards
> development.
> With regards,
> Tommy

Received on Monday, 11 December 2023 03:39:46 UTC