Re: Multiple Huffman code tables

Very easy to implement. Just determine from the context. Look at the source

2023年12月9日(土) 8:39 Watson Ladd <>:

> On Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 8:11 AM 姓名 <> wrote:
> >
> > HPACK/QPACK uses only one static table of Huffman coding, but the
> compression ratio can be improved by combining multiple tables. There is no
> overhead in data size due to the combination. Theoretically, two code
> tables can reduce the bit length of one code table by an average of one
> bit, since the two code tables itself has one bit of information. This
> proposal especially reduces the token size increasing in recent years. Let
> me know the link to the conclusions if this approach has been considered.
> The following is a comparison based on my proof of concept code. The
> leftmost number is the reduced bit size.
> How do you signal which table is used? This is a crude approximation
> to a more sophisticated encoder that understands a single hidden bit
> of which alphabet is used: if we go down that road there really is no
> limit to the complexity one can advocate for to squeeze out additional
> small bits.
> Sincerely,
> Watson
> --
> Astra mortemque praestare gradatim

Received on Friday, 8 December 2023 23:45:39 UTC