states as subsesctions, was: Working Group Last Call: HTTP/2 revision

Am 20.08.2021 um 15:31 schrieb Julian Reschke:
> ...
> Organization:
> In several sections, replacing lists by subsections would improve the
> ToC and make it easier to refer to specific items (frame types, error
> codes, pseudo header fields)
> ...

I just tried this for the stream states; it indeed avoids deeply nested
lists. The issue here is the organization of the surrounding text
(trailing text that applies to all stream states, plus to subsections,
5.1.8. Stream Identifiers and 5.1.9. Stream Concurrency, which might
actually be better placed on the same level as stream states...).

Best regards, Julian

Received on Monday, 23 August 2021 11:00:51 UTC