Transfer-Encoding chunked: preserved in the wild?

Hi everyone!

I’m working with Mike and others to figure out & clean up the protocol for braid. We want to add real-time subscriptions to http.

For this we need to send a stream of messages (values and patches) in response to a single http request. The simplest way to encode that would be to lean on transfer-encoding: chunked and wrap each patch in exactly one http “chunk”, so we don’t need to do our own message framing.

I want to lean on some collective wisdom here. Is this a bad idea? Does anyone know if middleman proxy servers ever move chunk boundaries around? Is that valid according to the protocol? Is that something we should worry about?

(Server sent events do their own message framing on top of the transfer encoding. Is there a good reason for that?).


Received on Monday, 25 January 2021 10:03:15 UTC