Hey Patrick,
On Sun, 4 Nov 2018, 03:39 Patrick McManus <mcmanus@ducksong.com wrote:
> * alternative services might also fit your use case - rfc 7838 .. in
> particular they have better fallback behavior if you want to revert to the
> original URI in case of reachability.
The sad reality is that, in my experience, client support for using Alt-Svc
like this is pretty bad. The last time I checked, even Chrome can't handle
host redirection for HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2 connections (I can dig out the bug
if you like).
For non-browser clients, which Ori's document is likely targeting, I'd be
shocked if they had any support for Alt-Svc in a fully compliant way. Given
that there is trouble implementing redirects ;-).
Firefox is the only one that seems to do Alt-Svc to its full extent
(protocol support aside).