Re: CRLF requirement

On 2014–07–02, at 10:18 AM, Glen Knowles <> wrote:

> Changing "Connection: close" to "nnCoection: close" is something I have seen some "zero copy" proxies do when they wanted to remove the connection header. The theory is you just load a 32 bit "Conn", rotate it 16 bits to "nnCo", put it back, and rely on the upstream server to ignore it as an unrecognized header.

Hmm, if it was a convention among several implementations at the time, perhaps it should be recorded in the standard. /s

Also, such bitwise operations for string manipulation suggest unaligned memory access, which is a uniquely risky way of parsing. The same effect would be achieved by substituting the first character. Lemmings.

Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2014 02:36:10 UTC