Re: Dependency based properties

2014/03/27 10:42 "Roberto Peon" <>:
> On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <> wrote:
>> I have following questions about dependency based properties.
>> 1. Suppose we have formed following drpendency:
>> A <- B (B depends on A)
>> A <- C
>> B <- D
>> If A and B cannot make a progress, do C and D have the same precedence?
> A <-- B <-- D
>    \- C
> I'd assume C would make progress before D given it is closer to the root.

Thank you. 'Closer to the root' is a good reason.

>> 2. Another dependency setup:
>> A <- B
>> A <- C
>> B <- D
>> C <- E
> A <-- B <-- D
>    \- C <-- E
>> If we make B depend on X,  only B and C are moved to under X and
drpendency now looks like this:
>> A <- C
>> C <- E
>> X <- B
>> B <- D
> becomes:
> A <-- C <-- E
> X <-- B <-- D


>> Is this correct?
>> 3. Same initial dependency setup with 2.
>> If we move B to Y with exclusive flag set and we have Y <- Z dependency,
the final result look like this:
>> Y <- B
>> B <- D
>> B <- Z
> I'm honestly not sure what you're going for here. :)
> -=R

I'd like to clarify the general case where moving stream had descendants.
The current draft only shows simple case where moving stream has no

I forgot to ask following one:

4. Same initial setup with 1.

If B is closed, then do C and D have the same precedence?

A <-- D
     \- C

If B and C is css and D is js, and client really wants css before js, it
has to move D under C. But I don't know clients really care about this.

Best regards,

Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

>> Is this correct?
>> Best regards,
>> Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

Received on Thursday, 27 March 2014 08:50:29 UTC