Re: "Secure" proxies for HTTP URIs [was: new version trusted-proxy20 draft]

Chromium indeed supports this today [1][2], and Firefox has indicated plans
for future support, and Patrick seems to have whiteboarded it out [3].


On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 7:25 AM, Peter Lepeska <> wrote:

> One question for browser vendors who have said they will not support HTTP2
> over plaintext (Firefox, chrome): will you support HTTP2 when http-schemed
> URIs are being proxied via a Secure Proxy?
> This allows firefox and chrome users to get the performance benefit of
> HTTP2 at least across the segment between the ua and the proxy for
> http-schemed URLs.
> Thanks,
> Peter
> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 5:37 AM, Amos Jeffries <>wrote:
>> On 25/02/2014 8:49 p.m., Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
>> >
>> > Le Mar 25 février 2014 03:58, James Cloos a écrit :
>> >> if anyone has a legal requirement to avoid end-to-end encryption, they
>> >> MUST accomplish that by avoiding TLS between client and proxy.  Such
>> >> requirements MUST not affect the rest of us.)
>> >
>> > This forbids an http/1 use case and as such is outside the workgroup
>> charter
>> >
>> There is also no sound reason so far presented behind forbidding that
>> same use-case in HTTP/2. Just a few implementers choosing not to do it
>> for reasons which have all be countered by other implementers who do.
>> Also, in my (medium-low) familiarity with such laws TLS or any other
>> mechanism used to transport packets to the collection point (proxy) is
>> not relevant to the criterion placed upon the ISP. Only the ability to
>> accurately and *fully* collect and report is prescribed.
>>  End-to-end TLS violates that legal requiremet, TLS-to-proxy does not.
>> Amos

Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2014 15:56:24 UTC