Re: #40 - HTTP2 default value for client supported max_concurrent_streams

What is the motivation for that?
While I have a hard time imagining how a server would do a push before the
client has made a request, I also believe that market forces would deal
appropriately with any server which doesn't serve a client's needs.
Additionally, as currently spec'd, pushing a stream that isn't in reply to
another stream means bits go into the waste bucket at best...


On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 9:04 PM, Osama Mazahir <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Issue #40 [1] tracks: What is the default number of concurrent pushed
> streams that a client must be able to support?
> The suggestion is that the default value be 0.  That is, the communication
> defaults to no-push.  If the client is capable and willing to handle pushed
> streams, it can emit a non-zero value in its initial SETTINGS frame.
> Thanks,
> --Osama.
> [1]

Received on Friday, 22 February 2013 13:29:50 UTC