Header compression: http1_huffman

I've started to write my own header compressor, I'll try to make a stateless (no delta) compressor that will switch (more or less automatically) between different Huffman tables based on context (text, numbers, binary, lookup tables references...).
As an appetizer (and to test the fork interface in binary) I have hacked a very basic Zlib based Huffman coder, it calls Zlib but restricts it to a simple Huffman coder (Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY strategy).

Since I have noticed that I could quickly modify http1_gzip to do the same... I did it and called it "http1_huffman". This is a zero cost compressor since current servers and clients already implement Gzip compression, of course it produces limited gains since compressed data still weights about 75% of the original.

Frédéric Kayser

Received on Friday, 25 January 2013 02:34:33 UTC