Re: Should Web Services be served by a different HTTP n+1?

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 4:54 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker <> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 7:44 PM, Robert Brewer <> wrote:
>> Roberto Peon wrote:
>> > The worst part is the high latency, especially given TCP's
>> > current cogestion avoidance implementations-- the total number
>> > of round-trips ends up dominating latency, regardless of how
>> > much bandwidth one has.
>> Why is this being addressed by trying to make the messages smaller?
>> Wouldn't following the original architecture of HTTP, which was optimized
>> for fewer, larger messages, also reduce latency?
> Well this all goes back to Tim's original point that maybe we should have
> had more than 6 hours discussion before a grad student just threw in the
> <IMG> tag because he thought it would be cool and Eric had already written
> the code for images in the widget.
> When we moved from one request per TCP session to multiple requests per TCP
> session it was not exactly done well. Each request is still formatted as if
> it was running in a separate session and so it has to reconstruct the whole
> browser context.
> I don't see why we could not do a delta encoding on the headers as follows

Why do you keep saying this as if it has not already been proposed for
HTTP/2 as I pointed out earlier? Please see

> Old:
> Get /foo
> Header1:
> Header2:
> Header3:
> Get /bar
> Header1:
> Header2:
> Header3:
> New:
> Get /foo
> Fred:[
> Header1:
> Header2:
> Header3:
> ]
> Get /bar
> #include Fred
> The client knows when headers are likely to be repeated across requests in
> the same session - they are mostly repeats anyway.
> --
> Website:

Received on Friday, 25 January 2013 01:01:14 UTC