RFC6585+HTTP/2.0 := 101

In Re: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6585 (page ~2)

I looked at this RFC as if I wanted to derive it into the revision for 2.0:

   HTTP/1.1 428 Precondition Required
   Content-Type: text/html   <html>

         <title>Precondition Required</title>
         <h1>Precondition Required</h1>
         <p>This request is required to be conditional;
         try using "If-Match".</p>


(instead of from scratch)

   HTTP/2.0 428 Precondition Required

 <head id=428>

       Date: <time>&xhtml.now;</time>


         Content-Type: text/html+xml

         Title: Precondition Required



 <body itemscope itemtype="urn:http:status">
       <h1  itemprop=name>Precondition Required</h1>
       <p   itemprop=description>This request is required

                                 to be conditional;
                                 try using "If-Match".</p>

       <img itemprop=image />

       <a   itemprop=url />

I exhausted myself, today, over the idea of the calendar application
integration with blogger. What I had on mind was how do we describe: POST
/.well-known/509 HTTP/2.0, especially for cloud-containers that do not have
nested directories. This is how far I got. I figured GET /.well-known/428
HTTP/2.0 would display the above.

Enjoy the Olympics...

Received on Friday, 27 July 2012 00:31:27 UTC