Re: anchor parameter - LC comment on draft-nottingham-http-link-header-07.txt

On 19.02.2010 03:03, Mark Nottingham wrote:
> OLD:
>    The anchor parameter MUST be ignored by consuming implementations, unless its use is specified by the application in use.
> NEW:
>    Links with the anchor parameter MUST be ignored by consuming implementations, unless its use is specified by the application and/or relation type in use.
> works?

That's better, in that it clarifies that the anchor parameter never ever 
can be ignored.

However, it still delegates the decision to the "fuzzy" term 
"application" or the relation type registration (why would that be 

How about:

"The presence of the anchor parameter affects the context IRI. Thus, 
consumers either MUST ignore all links that include the anchor 
parameter, or process it according to <ref>. In the latter case, the 
resulting context IRI can identify an entirely different resource, in 
which case consumers MAY choose to ignore the link."

Best regards, Julian

Received on Friday, 19 February 2010 09:31:57 UTC