Issue 40, Re: Status of IANA Considerations (registrations and registries) -- issues 40, 59, 72, 79

Mark Nottingham wrote:
>> A. Message headers: <>
>> I have added those throughout, but I wonder...:
>> 1) What's the standards status of Content-Disposition?
>> - it's defined in RFC2616, but it says: "Content-Disposition is not 
>> part of the HTTP standard, but since it is widely implemented, we are 
>> documenting its use and risks for implementors." (in the Security 
>> Considerations)
>> - the initial registry (RFC4229) says "standard" 
>> (<>)
>> - however the actual registry 
>> (<>) 
>> doesn't mention a status
>> -> I'm tempted to leave it as defined in registry, so with no entry 
>> for the standard status
> I vaguely remember struggling with this when we put the registry 
> together. It doesn't fit well, but one can look at its use in HTTP as 
> being defined in 2616 -- which is a standards-track document -- even if 
> 2616 goes out of its way to say that C-D isn't part of the standard.
> In actuality, though, this is an artefact of the use of Semantic Web 
> technology to put together the registry. *shrug*
>> 2) Should we include more information, such as whether the header 
>> accepts list syntax? Can we, without changing the registration procedure?
> This is what 'related information' is for.
 > ...


So for the headers defined by "us", we'd add that as "related 
information", but will not attempt any changes to the registration 

BR, Julian

Received on Monday, 9 June 2008 13:38:00 UTC