Re: Status of IANA Considerations (registrations and registries) -- issues 40, 59, 72, 79

On 04/06/2008, at 2:31 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:

> A. Message headers: < 
> >
> I have added those throughout, but I wonder...:
> 1) What's the standards status of Content-Disposition?
> - it's defined in RFC2616, but it says: "Content-Disposition is not  
> part of the HTTP standard, but since it is widely implemented, we  
> are documenting its use and risks for implementors." (in the  
> Security Considerations)
> - the initial registry (RFC4229) says "standard" (< 
> >)
> - however the actual registry (< 
> >) doesn't mention a status
> -> I'm tempted to leave it as defined in registry, so with no entry  
> for the standard status

I vaguely remember struggling with this when we put the registry  
together. It doesn't fit well, but one can look at its use in HTTP as  
being defined in 2616 -- which is a standards-track document -- even  
if 2616 goes out of its way to say that C-D isn't part of the standard.

In actuality, though, this is an artefact of the use of Semantic Web  
technology to put together the registry. *shrug*

> 2) Should we include more information, such as whether the header  
> accepts list syntax? Can we, without changing the registration  
> procedure?

This is what 'related information' is for.

> B. Status Codes: <>
> I have added instructions to update the status code registry in P2.
> Question:
> 3) The current status code registration procedure is hiding in a  
> really obscure place (< 
> rfc2817#section-7.1>), should Part 2 take over (me thinks yes).  
> Should we keep the registration requirements (IETF standards track)?

Yes and yes.

> C. Request Method registry: < 
> >
> That registry currently doesn't exist, but I believe it should, and  
> belongs into Part 2. So:
> 4) Should we add a registration procedure similar to the one used  
> for status codes?


Mark Nottingham

Received on Monday, 9 June 2008 13:09:07 UTC