RE: [Ltru] Proposed resolution for Issue 13 (language tags)

Rather than re-inventing the wheel, why not just go with what is already
written within RFC4646bis-12 
   The language tag is composed of one or more parts, known as

   "subtags".  Each subtag consists of a sequence of alphanumeric

   characters.  Subtags are distinguished and separated from one another

   by a hyphen ("-", ABNF [RFC5234] %x2D).  A language tag consists of a

   "primary language" subtag and a (possibly empty) series of subsequent

   subtags, each of which refines or narrows the range of languages

   identified by the overall tag.
By adding the information with regard to script and region you may encourage
people to go ahead and create their own tags as opposed to reading
There are many other issues to be considered e.g. suppress script.
Best regards
Debbie Garside


From: [] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: 16 April 2008 16:59
To: Phillips, Addison
Cc: Julian Reschke; LTRU Working Group; HTTP Working Group
Subject: Re: [Ltru] Proposed resolution for Issue 13 (language tags)

That works for me.

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 8:00 AM, Phillips, Addison <>

Mark wrote:


In summary, a language tag is composed of one or more parts: typically a
primary language subtag followed optionally by a series of other subtags
such as script and region.


I think that is either too specific or not specific enough J




In summary, a language tag is composed of one or more subtags separated by
hyphens. Typically there will be a primary language subtag to which other
subtags are sometimes appended to indicate linguistic variations such as
script or region.


Addison Phillips

Globalization Architect -- Lab126 (Amazon)

Chair -- W3C Internationalization Core WG


Internationalization is not a feature.

It is an architecture.


From: [] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: mercredi 16 avril 2008 06:46
To: Martin Duerst
Cc: Julian Reschke; LTRU Working Group; HTTP Working Group 

Subject: Re: [Ltru] Proposed resolution for Issue 13 (language tags)


Agreed. Even that is incorrect, since there may not be a primary language
subtag, such as in the case of "x-duerst". So I'd recommend something more

>    In summary, a language tag is composed of one or more parts: A
>    primary language tag and a possibly empty series of subtags:
In summary, a language tag is composed of one or more parts: typically a
primary language subtag followed optionally by a series of other subtags
such as script and region.

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 12:01 AM, Martin Duerst <>

At 20:33 08/04/15, Julian Reschke wrote:
>thanks for all the feedback so far. I (hopefully) have addressed many of
the issues; here's the new proposed text for 3.5:
>3.5.  Language Tags
>    A language tag, as defined in [RFC4646], identifies a natural
>    language spoken, written, or otherwise conveyed by human beings for
>    communication of information to other human beings.  Computer
>    languages are explicitly excluded.  HTTP uses language tags within
>    the Accept-Language and Content-Language fields.
>    In summary, a language tag is composed of one or more parts: A
>    primary language tag and a possibly empty series of subtags:
>      language-tag  = <Language-Tag, defined in [RFC4646], Section 2.1>
>    White space is not allowed within the tag and all tags are case-
>    insensitive.  The name space of language subtags is administered by
>    the IANA (see
>    <>).

This is going very much in the right direction, but there
is some confusion about what a subtag means. Where it says
"A primary language tag and a possibly empty series of subtags",
the first tag (e.g. 'en' in 'en-US') seems to not be a subtag,
but the subtag registry clearly also includes that as a subtag,
and RFC 4646 is using terminology consistent with that.

Regards,   Martin.

>    Example tags include:
>      en, en-US, es-419, az-Arab, x-pig-latin, man-Nkoo-GN
>    See RFC 4646 for further information.
>(see also <>).
>BR, Julian

#-#-#  Martin J. Du"rst, Assoc. Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University


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Received on Wednesday, 16 April 2008 16:53:30 UTC