Re: protocol support for intercepting proxies

mån 2007-06-18 klockan 15:55 +1200 skrev Adrien de Croy:
> I'm talking about intercepting proxies, which squid is not.

Isn't it? That's news to me an the countless number of network admins
which uses it that way... (supported since 1998).

> Many clients (esp SMB) don't have any tech support staff, or their staff 
> are not very knowledgeable.

True, and they generally either install something prepackaged for them
with support, or have someone make the initial setup for them..

What exactly is the use case here? A network admin not knowing how their
network knows, installing a proxy, and not having any documentation on
the network requirements of installing a proxy? And expecting it to just
work without making any network changes?

> When it works sure it works.  When it doesn't there are a bunch of 
> places to start looking, and that's where the support cost comes in.

So there is an opportunity for you to write a support tool telling the
customer why their WPAD setup fails.. and while at it add tests for some
of the other common network misconfigurations..


Received on Monday, 18 June 2007 23:15:03 UTC