Re: Section 13

fre 2007-03-30 klockan 13:01 +1000 skrev Mark Nottingham:

> Would it be helpful to try to separate out the purely intermediary- 
> related material from section 13 to a more appropriate place (e.g.,  
> section 8, or a new section)? Or would this be opening Pandora's box?

I think so. 13.5.1 and 13.5.2 is quite oddly placed where they are

I would propose moving them to section 4 as 4.6 & 4.7.

> (I ask not only because of the specific problem, but also to get a  
> sense of what people feel comfortable doing when we talk about  
> revising 2616.)

I am fine with moving some sections around, but like to avoid a large
scale renumbering unless needed..


Received on Monday, 2 April 2007 09:34:01 UTC