Nature of Application Protocols!


I have some general questions regarding protocols.

Every application protocol is -

1)Synchronous or Asynchrnous
2)Connection Less or Connection Oriented
3)Push or Pull

My understanding is that most of the protocols - HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP etc. are "Syncronous", "Connection Less" and "Push" in nature.

I could not find any protocol, which is widely used and is Asynchronus, Connection Oriented and Pull in nature!

Am i right or i'm missing something?

Also does Synchrony and Pull, Asynchrony and Push are synonyms..i.e every Synchronous protocol is Push and every Asynchronous protocol is Push..?

Can somebody provide me with the explanation of above (if possible, with examples)?

Naresh Agarwal

Received on Thursday, 29 August 2002 03:07:34 UTC