what does "unrecognized header fields" mean?

The LPWA proxy truncates the Referer header, in most cases, to read
with no value, and therefore violates the HTTP/1.1 specification.

I received a report about a site that didn't work with the LPWA HTTP
proxy.  After much investigation, I discovered that the site's server
software was barfing because Referer had no value.  Add a value, or
remove the header altogether, and their server worked okay.

I was all set to go off in high dudgeon about how the specification
*says* that headers that aren't understood should be ignored.  What it
says (7.1 Entity Header Fields) is that "unrecognized header fields
SHOULD be ignored...."

The question I have is, what does "unrecognized" mean?  Does it just
mean a header whose name is unfamiliar, or does it also mean a
recognized header for which the value is in some way invalid (such as
my example above)?  I realize that "be liberal in what you accept" is
on my side, here, but it's not clear that the *letter* of the
specification is also on my side.

Dave Kristol

Received on Tuesday, 30 June 1998 11:42:16 UTC