Minor typos in Rev-03

1) Section 3.2.1, replace "[42] [42]" with "[42]".

2) Section 8.1.1, replace:

  Analysis of these performance
  problems are available [30]; analysis and results from a prototype
  implementation are in [26].


  Analyses of these performance problems and results from a prototype
  are available [26] [30].

3) Section 8.1.1, 4th bullet, replace ";" with "," before "since".

4) Section 8.2.4, 2nd bullet of "Requirements for HTTP/1.1 origin 
servers", replace:

    .  An origin server MAY omit a 100 (Continue) response if has already
       received some or all of the request body for the corresponding


    .  An origin server MAY omit a 100 (Continue) response if it has
       already received some or all of the request body for the
       corresponding request.

5) Section 14.20, skip a line between the definition of expect-params and 
the sentence "The server MUST respond with a 417...".

6) Section 14.20, replace:

  Comparison of expectation values is case-insensitive unquoted tokens
  (including the 100-continue token), and is case-sensitive for quoted-
  string expectation-extensions.


  Comparison of expectation values is case-insensitive for unquoted
  tokens (including the 100-continue token), and is case-sensitive for
  quoted-string expectation-extensions.

7) Section, remove white space at the beginning of items 6 and 7.

8) In the index, alignment problems with entries "byte-range-resp-spec", 
"bytes-unit", "Content-Encoding", "Expect", "Content-Language", 
"entity-body", "IANA", "Methods", "qdtext", and "RFC 1738".

Jean-Philippe Martin-Flatin

Received on Sunday, 14 June 1998 15:35:07 UTC