RE: Should server beable to say NoCookie, No Show?

This is an absolutely excellent idea. I think it will go a long way
towards making content providers feel more comfortable about the cookie

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	David W. Morris []
> Sent:	Tuesday, March 25, 1997 1:03 AM
> To:	http working group
> Subject:	Should server beable to say NoCookie, No Show?
> It seems to me that there are many applications which will break (in
> the
> sense of delivering confusing error messages, garbage, etc to the
> user) if
> a cookie isn't accepted by the UA and returned with the request
> resulting
> from a submit of the page which carried the set-cookie2.
> Symetry would suggest that since we encourage/allow a UA to discard a
> cookie under the user's discretion, we should have an optional
> attribute
> which allows the server to stipulate one of the following:
>   a.  Dont show the page if the user rejects the cookie
>   b.  Warn the user that if the cookie isn't accepted, the application
>       won't operate correctly (this is almost covered by the
>       comment/commentURL but its a different of message I think. Like
>       Windows allows a message box to be one of several types to
> reflect
>       the content, the significance of the comment to the user would
>       vary depending on the damage to the user's experience by
>       rejecting the cookie.
> Dave Morris

Received on Tuesday, 25 March 1997 22:08:38 UTC