RE: Should server beable to say NoCookie, No Show?

At 02:02 PM 3/25/97 -0800, Yaron Goland wrote:
>This is an absolutely excellent idea. I think it will go a long way
>towards making content providers feel more comfortable about the cookie

        I concur. The technique outlined below will make the association
between the user's discarding the cookie and the app's probable failure in
the cookie's absence. The message would be similar to an "Authentication
Failed", "Document Returned No Data" or "No Response From Server",
indicating a C/S failure. The "CommentURL" field also being discussed would
be helpful as a supplement.

>	Yaron
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:	David W. Morris []
>> Sent:	Tuesday, March 25, 1997 1:03 AM
>> To:	http working group
>> Subject:	Should server beable to say NoCookie, No Show?
>> It seems to me that there are many applications which will break (in
>> the
>> sense of delivering confusing error messages, garbage, etc to the
>> user) if
>> a cookie isn't accepted by the UA and returned with the request
>> resulting
>> from a submit of the page which carried the set-cookie2.
>> Symetry would suggest that since we encourage/allow a UA to discard a
>> cookie under the user's discretion, we should have an optional
>> attribute
>> which allows the server to stipulate one of the following:
>>   a.  Dont show the page if the user rejects the cookie
>>   b.  Warn the user that if the cookie isn't accepted, the application
>>       won't operate correctly (this is almost covered by the
>>       comment/commentURL but its a different of message I think. Like
>>       Windows allows a message box to be one of several types to
>> reflect
>>       the content, the significance of the comment to the user would
>>       vary depending on the damage to the user's experience by
>>       rejecting the cookie.
>> Dave Morris
Matthew Rubenstein                     North American Media Engines
Toronto, Ontario   *finger matt for public key*       (416)943-1010

               They also surf who only stand on waves.

Received on Wednesday, 26 March 1997 11:21:12 UTC