Re: What method for Location?

Koen Holtman wrote:
> Yuan John Jiang:
> >
> >I could not find the answer from scanning through the spec.
> >
> >If my client does a "POST URI HTTP/1.1" and the server responds
> >with "Location: NEWURL"
> >What shall my client do next?  Shall I do "POST NEWURL ..."
> >or "GET NEWURL ..."?
> That depends on the status code of the response message the Location is in,
> so you have to look at section 10.3 of the spec.  And note the notes in
> there about what some clients actually do.
> Aside: I believe that if you just output 
> Location: <full URL>
> in a CGI script, the server will send a 302 status code.  To get a 303 status
> code, do
> Location: <full URL>
> Status: 303 See Other

Apache actually requires a "Status: 302" for a simple redirect. It will only
do the redirect without the status if it is an internal redirect (i.e. the
Location starts with '/'). If you do what you suggest you'll get a status of
200 with a Location header, which doesn't get you very far.



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Received on Tuesday, 11 March 1997 16:30:17 UTC