- From: Erik van der Poel <erik@netscape.com>
- Date: Wed, 03 May 95 13:43:26 -0700
- To: Multiple recipients of list <html-wg@oclc.org>
- Cc: http-wg%cuckoo.hpl.hp.com@hplb.hpl.hp.com, erik@netscape.com
[Cc'ing HTTP working group too.] >This is partly a server/HTTP issue, since that's where things are >usually labelled (or not, or mislabelled, as the case may be), but for local >storage (CD-ROM, software help files, or whatever), it would be useful to >have *some* denotation within the document of the character encoding used Well, several members of the HTML WG have come up with a proposal that could solve the CD-ROM problem: *.www or *.htt(p) or *.mim(e) (or whatever). I.e. a file called foo.www on a CD-ROM could look like: Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp <HTML> ... </HTML> Clients and even servers could look at this and do the right thing. (Digression: this convention could be used in FTP and NFS, too.) The HTTP spec already has some wording about charsets, but it seems that hardly any servers out there are appending the charset parameter to the content-type header. It's easy and tempting to say "They're broken and must be fixed". But there's the installed base and the interoperability currently being enjoyed (yes, even in Japan). A server administrator can't just add the charset parameter without thinking about the consequences. What if there are browsers out there that currently display Japanese just fine, but have problems when there is a charset parameter? I.e. some browsers do the right thing when they see "text/html", but when they see "text/html; charset=foo", they try to save the document to a file instead of displaying it. The end user would definitely think of this as a step backwards. Again, it's easy for this working group to say "Those servers/clients are broken. Fix them." But can we Westerners really dictate what the Japanese should do with their "corner" of the Internet??? Especially since the default is iso-8859-1, which means that we are not impacted. It might be a good idea to have clients tell servers that they are capable of parsing the charset parameter. This is similar to Dan's proposal to have clients tell servers that they can do HTML 3.0 (tables, etc). Please let me know what you all think. Perhaps the Japanese should be involved in this discussion? Erik van der Poel
Received on Wednesday, 3 May 1995 13:45:36 UTC