Scheduling for London

There are the slots we have scheduled so far.

1. (apparea) Applications Open Area Meeting WG
2. (deltav) Web Versioning and Configuration Management WG
3. (fax) Internet Fax WG
4. (ldapbis)  LDAP (v3) Revision WG
5. (provreg) Provisioning Registry Protocol WG
6. (simple) SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions WG
7. (trade) Internet Open Trading Protocol WG
8. (vpim) Voice Profile for Internet Mail WG
9. (webdav) WWW Distributed Authoring and Versioning WG

Should I take this as a sign that the rest of the wg's are done modulo work
we AD's should do to get groups closed?


Received on Monday, 18 June 2001 11:21:35 UTC