RE: HTTP Extensions Framework status?

-----Original Message-----
From: Yaron Goland (Exchange) []
Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 11:27 AM
To: 'Harald Tveit Alvestrand'; Scott Lawrence;;
Cc: Josh Cohen (Exchange); Peter Ford (Exchange)
Subject: RE: HTTP Extensions Framework status? 

The IETF has lots of problems with apps. The number of working groups has
over whelmed the IETF apparatus, both the IESG and the ADs have been
overloaded. Maybe it is time that we declare that apps are just too big and
too complicated for the IETF architecture. Maybe it's time that Apps leaves
the IETF and forms its own organization.

Eventually the kids have to grow up and move on, maybe that time has come
for apps. 

                Just a thought, 


Not such a farfetched idea. If you can split up Microsoft, you ought to be
able to split up the IETF as well..

                Just a thought,


Received on Monday, 6 December 1999 19:37:42 UTC