from January to March 2007 by thread

segfault processing ordered lists Ben Frederickson (Friday, 30 March)

Single quoted attributes pre-tidy Jeff Harris (Saturday, 24 March)

subscibe (Sunday, 25 March)

HTML + TIDY + XPATH = REST service? Info WebRPC (Thursday, 22 March)

Tidy and French language Dave Raggett (Thursday, 15 March)

Error generating the proper filename for the libtidy library Venkat Bommakanti (Thursday, 8 March)

internal encoding (Tuesday, 6 March)

Not able to retrieve source code through CVS M.-A. DARCHE (Tuesday, 6 March)

TIDY XML output problem. John Schroeder (Thursday, 15 February)

Force tidy to keep numeric character references Oswald Glinkmeyer (Saturday, 17 February)

tidying an mbox file? Miles Fidelman (Tuesday, 6 February)

Preventing Tidy from eating spaces Trevor Harmon (Saturday, 3 February)

indent-space Andrew Forstie (Friday, 2 February)

HTML TIDY for EMAIL Rob@RobsPcPc (Wednesday, 31 January)

Validate empty tags Karthik Krishnamurthy (Saturday, 27 January)

libtidy-php: does not clean invalid character refs Felix Natter (Tuesday, 23 January)

HTML Tidy doesn't seem to like table tags inside button tags Joshua Hudson (Friday, 19 January)

Re: Installing Tidy.exe Stanley Drewelow (Wednesday, 17 January)

Tidy and Gecko DOM Fabrice EstiƩvenart (Thursday, 18 January)

Tell tidy to only do indenting David Koch (Friday, 5 January)

Re: Unicode conversion using tudyHTML Lissa Labada (Tuesday, 2 January)

problems in tidy.1 (Tuesday, 2 January)

Last message date: Friday, 30 March 2007 02:48:56 UTC