Re: Tidy and French language

I used BBEdit Tidy, followed by BBEdit Utilities>Translate, to 
produce the attached file. The language is still French, but Tidy 
seems to have done its job. Tidy reported a number of errors (see 
TidyResults.txt) that were hard to track, but these were cleared up 
after using Translate. Tidy gave several warnings: marquee is not 
recognized by the W3C and the tables lack summaries. Tidy didn't 
recognize or correct '<script langage="Javascript" ' ("langage" 
should be English "language"), but apparently it doesn't matter to 
the performance of the script.

At 11:26 AM +0000 3/15/07, Dave Raggett wrote:
>I am no longer involved with work on tidy and recommend you provide 
>your feedback on the HTML Tidy list, and have copied my response 
>there for your convenience. It sounds like problem with the use of 
>the command line options.
>  Dave Raggett <>
>On Wed, 14 Mar 2007, Jean-Philippe COMBE wrote:
>>I would to use your tidy program to clean html code but
>>I can't make it work for french language. I have try to
>>add :
>>language: latin1 in a cfg file -> doesn't work
>>-latin1 on the command line -> doesnt work
>>also, it modify the way Marquee works.
>>you can test on my web page :
>>Best regards
>>Jean-Philippe Combe

Received on Thursday, 15 March 2007 14:11:18 UTC