www-rdf-logic@w3.org from January 2002 by subject

'weasel wording' was Re: Difference between syntactic building blocks and formal languages ...

[www-rdf-logic] <none>

CFP: WWW-2002 Semantic Web Workshop

DAML +OIL notation question

Difference between syntactic building blocks and formal languages ...

embedding logics in RDFS

how does existing RDF software handle this datatypes test?

Introduction to DAML: Part I, by Ouellet and Ogbuji

ISWC 2002 2nd and Final Call for Papers

ISWC: Call for tutorials

Logic and proof tutorial resources

model-model mapping

RDFCore WG: Datatyping documents


Take 2: how does existing RDF software handle this datatypes test?

Version confusion: daml.org vs. w3.org?

Last message date: Thursday, 31 January 2002 12:00:17 UTC