QNames for Better Visuals?


I wondered what people think of using QNames for properties in (especially)
SVG graphics and tucking away the URIs into XLinks. See:


Resource URIs are also truncated (but linked), as are literals. This allows
for more detail to be compressed into a single screen shot. As an example
the "Extended Article" SVG is much easier to read than if it had been
decorated with full-blown URIs. Would be neat if some of the other
GraphViz-based tools (Validator, IsaViz, etc) supported an option to render
in this more compressed form. Seems to me that the property URIs are not of
primary interest to the *human* reader but instead deflect attention from
the main subject matter.


In case you need it:

Get the Adobe Plugin <http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/> to view the
To drag image: ALT + <left-mouse-button> and use the cursor to position.
To zoom either click on the <right-mouse-button>, or press CTRL to zoom in,
CTRL-SHIFT to zoom out.

Received on Friday, 5 April 2002 08:33:35 UTC