Re: Complex Table Examples

On Sunday 2007-05-13 14:24 +1000, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
> No, that's backwards.  Nothing gets added or retained without some 
> evidence that it's needed.  Otherwise, you could use that argument to 
> get us show why the <foo> element isn't needed, instead having the ones 
> who asked for it explain why it is.  Saying it should be included in 
> HTML5 just because it was in HTML4 isn't good enough.

I disagree.

If something is implemented and used on the Web, it should stay in
the HTML spec.  Mark as deprecated if you want, but don't pretend
that mistakes of the past will disappear if you remove them from the

Implementations are still going to need to implement these features.
Forcing implementors to read every version of the spec in order to
implement HTML (especially when some of the old versions don't
actually bother saying how to implement it) will reduce quality and
interoperability of implementations (and not just for the features
that aren't in HTML5, since implementors will read the older
specifications for features that are in HTML5 as well).


L. David Baron                                <URL: >
           Technical Lead, Layout & CSS, Mozilla Corporation

Received on Sunday, 13 May 2007 18:22:44 UTC