Re: %flow and headers and address

Peter Flynn <> wrote:
>   Try explaining THAT to the clueless crowds out there who still yell
>   that "HTML 3.0 standard" is the latest and greatest, and who are
>   convinced that HTML 2.0 means no images and only <P> and <Hn>.
>The former I have encountered, but not the latter. Sigh.
>   > Moot anyway, in view of James Clark's talk at Princeton on Thursday...
>   Sorry, he forgot to invite me.. :-) What was it about?
>The first report I read has since been the subject of an alternative
>view, and two further reports have been slightly different, so perhaps
>impressions vary (although not much). 
>The gist of it was a declaration that Netscape is committed to
>standards, but Mr Clark then muddied the waters with a comment about
>the IETF, variously quoted as "in the real world, standards don't make
>money: money drives standards" and "standards don't drive volume,
>volume drives standards" (both of which are wrong anyway: it's
>consumer choice usually, aided by money to kid them :-) 
>He was also apparently less than forthcoming about SGML, and
>unwilling to make any statement other than to refer it to Marc
>Andreessen (who I think has other things to do). 
>It is instructive to compare this with his talk at CERN earlier in the
>year, when he made it clear that standards were something that should
>be set by companies, on a proprietary basis, and not something that
>should be debated publicly, let alone decided publicly.

	All very interesting, perhaps, but how far have you gotten on
your DTD that restores all the missing 3.0 markup and could be used for
the DOCTYPE with validators, rather than having to choose among one or
another that is missing something or other and will yield false errors
if one's client supports, and one's markup uses, the missing 3.0 markup
plus the newer markup?  A perhaps small percentage of Webizens, but
very, very large absolute number of people who couldn't write such a
DTD themselves need it.  We want to "Download it now!!!!" :) :)


 Foteos Macrides            Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research
 MACRIDES@SCI.WFBR.EDU         222 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Received on Saturday, 28 September 1996 19:02:04 UTC