Re: Browser and Technology Support [Was: Re: [w3c-wai-gl] <none>]

Thanks, Matt for saying it so succinctly. I've been following this thread 
carefully, and wondered when someone was going to come to this conclusion 
that scripts are "good for" folks with cognitive and other disabilities. 
<grin> ....

Last weekend I downloaded a piece of software that builds Javascript for 
instructional applications such as matching exercises, crossword puzzle, 
and several read and answer styles. I'm trying it out by making various 
exercises for my mother with dementia to help her remember some facts that 
have been slipping from her ... you can see the "first attempt" by going to and clicking on Mom 101 .... it isn't 
useful yet .... I need to get the characters to 14 point before Mom can see 
them, larger is better ... when Mom gets to take her "course", it will may 
be on a laptop with a small screen. [If you've a mind to help me with some 
commands to change font and size and where to put them, I'd be grateful, 
and so would my sisters -- ]  The software is called Hot Potatoes, and is 
free to educators who put their output on the web .... but as it comes from 
the download, it isn't "pretty" enough to use with students ....

 From what I've seen following the examples in the discussion, Javascript 
has a great capacity for making the web more "user friendly" ... but the 
problem seems to be in some assistive hardware that isn't able to handle 
it. The alternatives seem scuzzy (as in your Grocer online example) ... 
shut-ins who benefit from online grocery deliveries should have a smooth as 
silk means of ordering .... many cognitively disabled person who are able 
to live independently are not able to drive, so online grocery shopping is 
a help, as it is to those who cannot carry loads when they get the stuff 
home ....

 From what I've read, it seems the 'scripts are better than CGI in 
providing interactivity, and the web can't wait until interactivity is 
perfected for all, before it reaches out to those who are ready .... phone 
calls to provide equivalent services for all as an extreme accommodation ....


At 08:21 AM 9/26/01 -0700, Matt May wrote:
>  To a large audience of novice
>users (or, for example, those with cognitive disabilities), the best way to
>reach good usability in cases like mine is to require script. Which isn't to
>say that's not overdone fairly often, but there are logical cases to be made
>for sites who say, "we have made accommodations for ATs that support
>JavaScript and have it turned on."

Anne Pemberton

Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2001 18:20:59 UTC