Re: Guideline 1 examples

At 3:21 PM -0700 2001/8/18, Charles F. Munat wrote:
>I suggest that we remove the lines at the start of Guideline 1 that read:
>"Have you ever adjusted the height of a chair because it was too low or too
>high? Have you ever adjusted the volume on a stereo? Have you ever used a
>magnifying glass to read small print?"
>These may not be the best examples, but I hope that I've captured the
>essence of what I'm trying to say.

Yes, you are correct.  I agree with you that the overly "chatty" tone
is not appropriate to this document (and what's more, could lead to a
greater change of this technical document being rejected by the W3C

I propose the following:  The creation of one or more "The ____'s
Guide to WCAG 2.0", where ____ is a noun such as "web developer",
"graphic artist", "policymaker", "young person", and so on.

I even volunteer to edit one or more of these annotated supporting

(This does not mean that our documents shouldn't be CLEAR and
SIMPLE -- Chaz and I both agree with that.  There is a difference
between "simple" and "chatty tone".)


Kynn Bartlett <>
Technical Developer Liaison
Reef North America
Accessibility - W3C - Integrator Network
Tel +1 949-567-7006

Received on Saturday, 18 August 2001 22:00:16 UTC