Re: draft question: option C

>I'm a little unclear on proposal C... in
>particular, what does it say about what
>folks can put in schemas to constrain
>an age propoerty to be/look-like decimals?
>The 6Sep minutes
>cite a 29Aug proposal
>which says "The RDF class extension of an rdfs:Datatype
>is its value space."
>I want to be sure that whatever spec we come up with,
>I can continue to use the datatype property idiom...
>     <k:Thursday r:about="#_thu10">
>         <dt:date>2002-10-10</dt:date>
>     </k:Thursday>
>	--
>So far, our (published WD) specs have been consistent
>with a view that classes and properties are disjoint. (In
>SWAD, we use that assumption for lint-style checking.)
>The 6Sep decision seems to conflict with the
>use of the datatype property idioim under
>the disjointness-of-properties-and-classes

I was not aware that there was any such assumption. On the contrary, 
in fact: the MT has been designed to allow the possibility of a class 
and a property being the same. If this is an assumption, maybe we 
should reflect it formally in the language. Certainly that would make 
the Webont work a little simpler.


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Received on Tuesday, 15 October 2002 11:25:25 UTC