from January 2007 by subject

[Bug 1542] [FS] editorial: 3.1.1 Static Context

[Bug 1588] [FS] editorial: 4.2.1 Steps

[Bug 1591] [FS] editorial: 4.2.4 Abbreviated Syntax

[Bug 1595] [FS] editorial: 4.4 Arithmetic Expressions

[Bug 1597] [FS] editorial: 4.5.1 Value Comparisons

[Bug 1598] [FS] editorial: 4.5.2 General Comparisons

[Bug 1599] [FS] editorial: 4.5.3 Node Comparisons

[Bug 1658] [FS] editorial: 4.7.2 Other Direct Constructors

[Bug 1668] [FS] technical: 4.8.1 FLWOR expressions: non-parameterized normalization

[Bug 1669] [FS] editorial: 4.8.2 For expression

[Bug 1672] [FS] editorial: 4.8.4 Order By and Return Clauses

[Bug 1677] [FS] editorial: 4.12.2 Typeswitch

[Bug 1745] [FS] editorial: 7.1.3 The fs:convert-operand function

[Bug 1746] [FS] editorial: 7.1.4 The fs:convert-simple-operand function

[Bug 1747] [FS] editorial: 7.1.6 The fs:distinct-doc-order-or-atomic-sequence function

[Bug 1754] [FS] editorial: 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.10: normalizing calls to particular functions

[Bug 1756] [FS] editorial: 7.2.3 The fn:abs, fn:ceiling, fn:floor, fn:round, and fn:round-half-to-even functions

[Bug 1758] [FS] editorial: 7.2.5 The fn:collection and fn:doc functions

[Bug 1763] [FS] editorial: 7.2.10 The fn:min, fn:max, fn:avg, and fn:sum functions

[Bug 1783] [FS] editorial: 8.4 Judgments for FLWOR and other expressions on sequences

[Bug 1800] [FS] editorial: E.1 Judgments for the validate expression

[Bug 1806] [FS] editorial: E.1.5.1 Simply annotate

[Bug 2441] xqx: character references

[Bug 2799] Update of collections

[Bug 3165] [XSLT 2.0] Need to be able to detect additional atomic types

[Bug 3521] xqx: (not) preserving white space

[Bug 3641] xs:untypedAtomic promotable to *any* type?

[Bug 3670] Missing op:anyURI-equal(A, B)

[Bug 3698] [FT] Interaction between FTDiacriticsOption and collation unclear

[Bug 3774] K-VersionProlog-1 does not contain expected-error entry

[Bug 3776] fn:codepoints-to-string should allow XML 1.1 characters

[Bug 3782] K-TraceFunc-4

[Bug 3798] [UPD] Test expression in conditional expression cannot be an updating expression

[Bug 3800] [UPD] upd:replaceNode has unexpected semantics for attributes

[Bug 3808] Constr-namespace-13.xml seems to missing namespace undeclaration

[Bug 3823] Static typing of K-StringToCodepointFunc-8

[Bug 3825] Static typing of tests using fn:index-of

[Bug 3826] Static typing of K-SeqOneOrMoreFunc-3

[Bug 3830] Static typing of function declarations (K-Function-Prolog)

[Bug 3852] K-NumericAdd-5 and K-NumericAdd-6 are bad tests

[Bug 3854] K-InternalVariablesWith-19

[Bug 3854] Static typing of K-InternalVariablesWith-19

[Bug 3858] [FT] Broken links in Appendices

[Bug 3867] Static type checking of Constr-docnode-parent-1

[Bug 3905] [FT] Allow negative weights

[Bug 3907] [FT] Section 2.1 after processing model figure

[Bug 3909] [FT] Section 2.2.1 Explaining ignore option...

[Bug 3912] [FT] Section 2.3.1 Editorial

[Bug 3914] [FT] Section 3.1.2/3.1.3 syntax

[Bug 3915] [FT] Section 3.1.6 example

[Bug 3916] [FT] Section 3.1.6 semantics

[Bug 3918] [FT] Section 3.1.7

[Bug 3922] [FT] Section 3.1.11

[Bug 3923] [FT] Section 3.2 Example issue

[Bug 3931] [FT] Section 3.2.5: order of options

[Bug 3933] [FT] Section 3.2.6: language="none" should be a default instead

[Bug 3935] [FT] Section 3.2.7: Escaping wildcards

[Bug 3951] [XQuery] editorial: Multiple declarations of the same namespace prefix

[Bug 3971] More XQTS static type errors

[Bug 3973] getTokenInfo no longer exists

[Bug 3974] typos in input-file for trivial-{1,2,3,4} tests

[Bug 4023] fn-abs-more-args-024 is incorrect

[Bug 4031] Final Result Trees

[Bug 4080] [F+O] Backwards compatibility appendix

[Bug 4095] Static typing of K-InternalVariablesWith-12

[Bug 4107] Catalog specify wrong compare method

[Bug 4149] [XSLT 2.0] Missing parenthesis in example

[Bug 4151] [XQuery] XQTY0086 description is too limited

[Bug 4151] XQTY0086 description is too limited

[Bug 4153] Static typing of prolog-version-6 and prolog-version-7

[Bug 4154] Static typing of base-uri-28 and base-uri-29

[Bug 4155] Static typing of K2-InternalVariablesWithout-10

[Bug 4156] Static typing of fn-node-name-2

[Bug 4157] Static typing of fn-nilled-3

[Bug 4158] Static typing of K-StringToCodepointFunc-15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21

[Bug 4160] Static typing of fn-normalize-space0args-1

[Bug 4161] Static typing of LocalNameFromQNameFunc001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 018, 019, 020

[Bug 4162] Static typing of fn-in-scope-prefixes-10 to 16, 19, 20

[Bug 4163] Static typing of fn-name-6, 12

[Bug 4164] Static typing of fn-name-16

[Bug 4165] Static typing of fn-namespace-uri-14, 15

[Bug 4166] Static typing of fn-lang1args-1, 2, 3 and fn-lang-2

[Bug 4167] [UPD] Explicit put for document of each node modified

[Bug 4167] Explicit put for document of each node modified

[Bug 4168] [UPD] Atomicity is a problem for a non-transacted implementation

[Bug 4168] Atomicity is a problem for a non-transacted implementation

[Bug 4169] [UPD] Renaming PI using QName

[Bug 4169] Renaming PI using QName

[Bug 4170] [UPD] W3C DOM cannot rename a PI

[Bug 4170] W3C DOM cannot rename a PI

[Bug 4171] Merging adjacent text nodes and node identity

[Bug 4172] Attribute name clash

[Bug 4173] Namespace binding clash

[Bug 4174] [UPD] Revalidation and non-globally defined elements

[Bug 4174] Revalidation and non-globally defined elements

[Bug 4175] [UPD] Error in upd:replaceNode()

[Bug 4175] Error in upd:replaceNode()

[Bug 4176] [UPD] Syntax "do rename ... as ..." problematic with tokenization

[Bug 4176] Syntax "do rename ... as ..." problematic with tokenization

[Bug 4181] Static typing of K-SeqIndexOfFunc-6, 12, 14, 17

[Bug 4182] Static typing of K-SeqDistinctValuesFunc-7, 8

[Bug 4183] Static typing of K-SeqReverseFunc-17, 18

[Bug 4184] Static typing of K-SeqOneOrMoreFunc-3

[Bug 4185] Static typing of fn-id-dtd-5 to 21 and 23

[Bug 4186] Static typing of fn-collection-10, 10d

[Bug 4187] Static typing of K-ContextPositionFunc-2

[Bug 4189] [FS] technical: 8.1.9 Type expansion correct?

[Bug 4192] Static typing of Comp-notation-1 to Comp-notation-22

[Bug 4193] schema-import-9 to 12, 21 to 30

[Bug 4194] Static typing of validateexpr-10, validateexpr-11

[Bug 4199] Static typing of K-GenCompEq-9, 10, 32, 33

[Bug 4200] Static typing of annex-4

[Bug 4215] wrong expected output for K2-Literals-8, K2-Literals-9

[Bug 4216] K2-DirectConElemAttr-36.txt has bogus leading space

[Bug 4217] xml prefix should be optional in K2-DirectConElem-38 expected output

[Bug 4218] Static typing of K2-Axes-32, 33, 52

[Bug 4219] why is K2-NameTest-60 an expected-error?

[Bug 4220] text {} in K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-3

[Bug 4221] K2-NameTest-12 K2-NameTest-12, 13

[Bug 4221] xml:space in K2-NameTest-12, 13

[Bug 4223] K2-SeqExprCast-210 missing close bracket

[Bug 4231] K2-Literals-7

[Bug 4232] Incorrect expected error for fn-collection-3

[Bug 4233] ":" in PI target names not a parsing error

[Bug 4234] K2-SeqExprCast-207 contains valid xs:anyUri

[Bug 4237] [XSLT 2.0] Errors in schema for XSLT 2.0

[Bug 4239] error in K2-Serialization-7.txt and K2-Serialization-8.txt

[Bug 4241] K2-ErrorFunc-1 has missing error case

[Bug 4242] Static typing of name tests

[Bug 4243] Static typing of K2-NameTest-49 to 55

[Bug 4244] Static typing of K2-StringEqual-1 to 6

[Bug 4245] Static typing of K2-NodeSame-1

[Bug 4246] K2-BaseURIProlog-4

[Bug 4246] Static typing of K2-BaseURIProlog-4

[Bug 4247] Static typing of K2-BaseURIFunc-9 to 12

[Bug 4248] K2-DocumentURIFunc-10

[Bug 4248] Static typing of K2-DocumentURIFunc-10

[Bug 4249] Editorial: link to RFC 3987 incorrect

[Bug 4250] K2-ComputeConComment-3

[Bug 4252] K2-SeqExprCast-207 should be an optional error

[Bug 4256] Invalid URI not necessarily invalid in K2-OrderbyExpr-4

[Bug 4260] incorrect error XPDY0092

[Bug 4261] [FS] technical: Name Tests correct?

[Bug 4264] K2-ComputeConAttr-5 vs. K2-ComputeConAttr-35

[Bug 4265] Static typing of K2-FunctionProlog-9

[Bug 4268] Static typing of K2-FunctionProlog-22

[Bug 4271] [FS} Type checking () op Arg

[Bug 4272] [FS] Type checking fn:data

[Bug 4273] [FS] data on element()

[Bug 4274] Static typing of Comp-notation-*

[Bug 4277] CastAs672

[Bug 4278] emptyorderdecl (XQueryX)

[Bug 4279] fn-string-to-codepoints1args-4 (XQueryX version)

[Bug 4281] version_declaration-010

[Bug 4282] base-uri-12, -13 (XQueryX)

[Bug 4285] Replacing optional content

[Bug 4286] Implementation-defined persistence

[Bug 4287] [UPD] Revalidation mode limits

[southerncross] SSB installation

[XPerrata] Missing parentheses in example

Media Type registration for XSLT 2, XQuery 1.0 and XQueryX 1.0

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 January 2007 18:48:34 UTC