Re: DRAFT: XForms Instance Data Module

Hi Mark -- thanks very much for the comments.  I agree with the direction
that our modules, particularly the data and model ones, should support a
mix-and-match approach to their "content".

What I've done in this first iteration is take the approach I think we
adopted at the F2F which is to "do no innovation" over and above the
existing 1.1 spec and just attempt the refactoring necessary to split it
out into separate modules.

We had a bunch of trouble in Amsterdam wrestling with what happens when we
have non-XML data in the instance (our "IDL" discussions) so I've punted on
all these issues for this initial cut.

Let's discuss on the call whether we want to open this up again...or
perhaps some experimentation in the ubiquity project could point the way as
to how to do this...

Thanks, Charlie

Charles Wiecha
Manager, Multichannel Web Interaction
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
P.O. Box 704
Yorktown Heights, N.Y.  10598
Phone: (914) 784-6180, T/L 863-6180, Cell: (914) 320-2614

        Re: DRAFT: XForms Instance Data Module                                   
        Mark Birbeck                                                             
                      Charles F Wiecha                                           
                                                               07/01/08 06:05 PM 

Hi Charlie,

Great to see this moving forwards.

My comments would be that this module probably does too much. I've
always thought that at root we need a 'data island' module, which does
nothing other than getting data from somewhere--or inline--and making
it available to other layers of the architecture. (Some notes on this
from a couple of years ago are here [1]. Note that in this discussion
I also suggested that we allow text, not just full well-formed XML

There are a couple of reasons for this. The first is of course that it
is more modular, and makes it easier to co-ordinate; for example, we
don't need events to define data islands, which we would if we
included <setvalue> and <insert>.

Second, it makes it possible to break the way that data is referenced
from the data itself. For example, I wouldn't particularly want to see
<insert> to be limited to XML, when we come to define that. And I'd
like to see <bind> provide a 'view' on some underlying data that can
be used in many ways.



[1] <>

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 10:21 PM, Charles F Wiecha <>
> Dear Forms WG -- I'm not sure if this is on the agenda for tomorrow
> (originally, we said we'd discuss binding last week and instance this
> but ... ) so am posting it now in case we do get to it.  It's still a
> draft, particularly in that the examples continue to refer to elements
> outside the scope of this module such as UI controls and bind elements.
> can discuss if this is on the right track or would be
> helpful.
> Thanks, Charlie
> (See attached file: index-all.html)
> Charles Wiecha
> Manager, Multichannel Web Interaction
> IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
> P.O. Box 704
> Yorktown Heights, N.Y.  10598
> Phone: (914) 784-6180, T/L 863-6180, Cell: (914) 320-2614

Mark Birbeck, webBackplane,

webBackplane is a trading name of Backplane Ltd. (company number
05972288, registered office: 2nd Floor, 69/85 Tabernacle Street,
London, EC2A 4RR)

Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2008 14:16:48 UTC