Re: Calabash slow from command line

Oxygen does take quite a while to start up. 

eliminating my pipeline itself from the timing I’m not sure that I can blame just the startup of the JVM maybe the time to load Calabash is huge compared to just Saxon? Oxygen is certainly much longer than just Saxon.
For example doing
java -cp "../BuildDependencies/xmlcalabash-1.2.1-99/*:../BuildDependencies/xmlcalabash-1.2.1-99/lib/*” com.xmlcalabash.drivers.Main
takes about 11 seconds to return the help info
java -jar ../BuildDependencies/SaxonHE9-9-1-7J/saxon9he.jar
is around .75 seconds to return it’s help info

I’ll look at piperack but I think I’d have to rework my pipeline a bit to use it. Right now it grabs a directory listing of a bunch of files and iterates over them. It also outputs interim results. My first quick read of piperack sounds like I would have to move the looping outside of XProc and maybe split the piple into several so that the interim results could be returned from a standalone pipeline.
Am I misreading piperack?

> On Jun 27, 2020, at 10:12, Norman Tovey-Walsh <> wrote:
> Robert Stuart <> writes:
>> I run a simple pipeline to run 3 xsl on 10 files  from inside Oxygen and it takes ~9 seconds.
>> I run the same from the command line using 
>> java -cp ../BuildDependencies/xmlcalabash-1.2.1-99/*.jar com.xmlcalabash.drivers.Main test.xpl
>> and it takes ~51 seconds 
>> Is this expected for some reason? Do I have something not “right”?
> How long does Oxygen take to start up on your machine? The only
> practical difference between those two should be the JVM startup tax. If
> you’re of a mind to experiment a little, you could try configuring the
> pipeline to run in piperack[1] which would also mitigate the JVM startup
> overhead.
>                                        Be seeing you,
>                                          norm
> [1]
> --
> Norman Tovey-Walsh <>
>> Some days it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.

Received on Saturday, 27 June 2020 16:46:07 UTC