Re: Calabash slow from command line

Another difference might result from oXygen using Saxon EE by default 
while Calabash uses Saxon HE. But I haven’t recently seen huge 
performance differences between HE and EE in typical transformation 

On 27.06.2020 16:12, Norman Tovey-Walsh wrote:
> Robert Stuart <> writes:
>> I run a simple pipeline to run 3 xsl on 10 files  from inside Oxygen and it takes ~9 seconds.
>> I run the same from the command line using
>> java -cp ../BuildDependencies/xmlcalabash-1.2.1-99/*.jar com.xmlcalabash.drivers.Main test.xpl
>> and it takes ~51 seconds
>> Is this expected for some reason? Do I have something not “right”?
> How long does Oxygen take to start up on your machine? The only
> practical difference between those two should be the JVM startup tax. If
> you’re of a mind to experiment a little, you could try configuring the
> pipeline to run in piperack[1] which would also mitigate the JVM startup
> overhead.
>                                          Be seeing you,
>                                            norm
> [1]

Received on Saturday, 27 June 2020 14:20:23 UTC