XML Calabash 1.0.11a (not a real release)

Hi folks,

There have been a lot of wonderful pull requests waiting, among them
support for HTTPClient 4.2.5 (thank you https://github.com/jamesrdf!)
and a raft of changes related to improving the Ant task (among other
things; thank you https://github.com/Vampire!)

There have also been a number of bug reports.

I checked in a bunch of patches this morning:

    Fix issue #104 by adding source/target versions in the ant build file
    Apply fixes outlined in issue #99 lots of extensions to the Ant task and a variety of code cleanups
    Fix issue #98 upgrade to Apache HttpClient 4.2.5; props to jamesrdf for the patches though I applied them manually and tinkered a bit
    Fix issue #101 allow the XProcURIResolver to function as a Saxon XQuery ModuleURIResolver
    Fix issue #102 allow sequences on p:try outputs
    Fix issue #103 variables with no prefix are in no namespace
    Fix issue #107 make sure the prefix associated with an error code is declared
    Fix issue #108 as suggested
    Be careful when copying attributes in XInclude; if it came from the xi:include element, don't copy it from the target element too

I'm not going to do a new release immediately, but if anyone's running
the saxon94 or saxon95 branches and feels like pulling the bleeding
edge and taking it out for a spin, that'd be grand. Open issues if you see
problems, please!

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 512 761 6676

Received on Friday, 26 July 2013 14:59:19 UTC