Re: online XML Schema validation service, python bindings

Thanks for your comments. More replies below.

On Sun, May 24, 2020 at 4:31 PM Michael Kay <> wrote:

> (a) To allow schema validation to be invoked over HTTP, it would be a good
> idea to define a standard XML vocabulary for the validation report. I
> wouldn't expect two validators to produce exactly the same errors, but the
> information in the errors (e.g. line number, constraint reference, etc)
> could be delivered in the same way.

That's a good idea, and could be done.

Currently, for innovation of my online XML Schema validation service from
python, the python program invokes an API end-point on the server, and the
server returns message strings (that could typically be error messages, or
a validation success message) delimited by '\n'.

For the web page of this 'online XML Schema validation service', where we
upload the XML and XSD document(s) via the browser upload dialog, the
server responds with HTML content (containing error & success messages).

> (b) Also, I expect that in many cases you would want to validate many
> input documents against the same schema. That means the online service
> should have some kind of persistent store of registered schemas that can be
> invoked by name, rather than uploading the schema on each request.

That's a good idea as well. To implement this, I guess following changes to
'online XML Schema validation service' might be needed,
1) Users would be required to register on the site, and shall get an API
key to invoke the remote XML validation APIs via programs.
2) Users can do one time upload of specific XML schemas, and can bind the
schema with a user specific name. Users would also need a way to edit these
bindings, in case they wish to rectify mistakes.
3) To do the validation, users can then make API invocation via program,
uploading an XML instance document and also mention the user specified name
of the schema within the HTTP request.
The combination of steps 2) & 3) could be an option, to how the site
currently offers 'online XML Schema validation service' (i.e., upload the
schema on each request).

Overall, implementing above concepts, are significant modifications to this
'online XML Schema validation service'. Let's see if I might, implement
above ideas in the future.

Mukul Gandhi

Received on Sunday, 24 May 2020 13:05:40 UTC