Looking for XSD 1.1 schemas for testing purposes


recently, in order to support XML data processing for some scientific
software, I've developed a Python package
(https://pypi.org/project/xmlschema/) that processes XSD 1.0 schemas,
acting as validator of XML instances and as decoder/encoder.

I'm going to complete a version that supports also XSD 1.1 schemas so
I'm looking for XSD 1.1 schemas, and possibly sample XML instances, to
put in my tests (my local tests, not in published). If someone has links
to some resources of 1.1 version schemas it would be a great help for me
to complete the XSD 1.1 support.

Best regards

Davide Brunato

SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies
via Bonomea 265 - 34136 Trieste - Italy
tel: +39-040-3787538
e-mail: brunato@sissa.it
web: http://www.sissa.it

Received on Friday, 8 February 2019 08:23:33 UTC